The picturesque scenery of ‘Onioshidashi’ is a rare rock formation made by lava flows from an eruption in 1783.
There are five courses, that take from around 25 minutes to 80 minutes. Choose the one that best suits your interests or your physical condition.
You will be able to see many beautiful alpine plants such as ‘Iwakagami’, ’Hakusan-shakunage’, and ’Tugazakura’ blooming between rugged rocks, as well as wild birds such as ‘Hojiro’ and butterflies including ‘Benihikage’. Enjoy the trails through the wild nature of the Asama area.
We have many wonderful views thanks to the location. It is possible to see mountains including Kusatsu Shirane, the Northern Alps, and the Tanigawa mountain range.
We also provide free guided tours by our staff , so please feel free to ask us.(Only Japanese available)
Simple map of Volcano course is below.(PDF)
Volcano walk mapAdmission free for Volcano walk, it included in the admission to Visitor Center.